Anti-Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Introduction Millions of people globally are subjected to new and diverse forms of slavery and servitude. According to the United Nations, modern slavery in today’s world is often present in areas that are difficult to access and can take various forms such as human trafficking, forced labour, debt servitude, or forced/arranged marriages. xDesign is committed to playing its part in the fight to end modern slavery by ensuring anti-modern slavery laws are adopted in the delivery of its services, and that it monitors the practices of the third parties in its supply chains to ensure they are compliant with the legislation. As part of our overall commitment to respect and promote Human Rights, xDesign has developed a zero-tolerance approach for modern slavery and human trafficking, which is laid out in this statement. xDesign Commitment xDesign is a UK-based digital consultancy that helps ambitious global brands unleash their potential through new products, digital experiences and technologies. The company will act ethically and with integrity in all its entities. xDesign is committed to transparency in its efforts to ensure that modern slavery is prevented and eliminated. To support this commitment, xDesign has an internal anti-modern slavery and human trafficking policy which aims to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of xDesign’s own business or supply chain. The xDesign Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking policy applies to all individuals working at or for xDesign and its subsidiaries at all levels and grades this includes - senior managers, officers, directors, employees, contractors, advisors, trainees, seconded staff, casual workers and agency staff, volunteers, interns, agents or any other person associated with xDesign. Responsibilities To underpin our commitment to preventing modern slavery occurring within xDesign - as well as among associated suppliers or clients - we have developed the below principles: - Every worker has the right to freedom of movement and to not be restricted by their employer through any form of threat, abuse or unlawful practices. - Workers must not be forced to work, and do so voluntarily. - All workers must be protected from inhumane treatment such as physical abuse/threats, harassment, coercion or intimidation. - All working time directives are followed and comply with national laws or collective agreements. - There shall be no use of child labour and nobody under the national minimum age will be employed. - Migrant workers are not subject to discrimination due to their nationality. - Workers have the right to file grievances and have access to all of our fair, compliant policies and procedures if necessary. Reporting of Breaches xDesign provides appropriate remedial measures and effective resolutions in response to any violation of this statement and/or our internal policy. If xDesign has a reasonable belief that modern slavery is occurring in any part of its business, it will take appropriate measures to ensure that such modern slavery ceases to occur and that the victims are appropriately protected. If any other individuals/organisations who work on xDesign’s behalf breach this policy, xDesign may terminate or suspend the relationship or otherwise cease, reduce or minimise business contact with the relevant contractor, supplier or other business partners.